# **NNSmith ASPLOS'23 Artifact!**


(gstart)= ## Getting Started! `````{admonition} **Prerequisites** 1. **OS:** A Linux System with [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) Support; 2. **Hardware:** X86 CPU; 16GB RAM; 512GB Storage; Good Network to [GitHub](https://github.com/) and [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/); ```{dropdown} **Warning: Super-multi-core & SLURM-based test-bed are not recommended** :icon: alert :color: warning We observed performance issues when running NNSmith-ONNXRuntime on a cluster managed by SLURM and on a 64-core workstation. Therefore, users might want to avoid the mentioned settings. Nevertheless, users may set `export NNSMITH_CORE=1` (inside the container) to stabilize the performance. We are not sure about the reason but it could be that ONNXRuntime can use [all CPU cores](https://github.com/ise-uiuc/nnsmith/blob/620645967a14d6a7b077cedd9c2c03ed74af50d9/nnsmith/backends/ort_graph.py#L37) by default, causing over-threading. ``` Before you start, please make sure you have [**Docker**](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) installed. ```bash docker --version # Test docker availability # Docker version 20.10.12, build e91ed5707e ``` Otherwise please follow the [**installation page**](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) of Docker. ````` ``````{dropdown} **Use TMUX to run long experiments in the background** :color: info :icon: unlock The experiements could take **one day**, it is recommended to open a `tmux` session to start it in the background and come back when the experiments are finished. Create a tmux session. ```bash tmux new -s nnsmith-artifact # create a tmux session. ``` To leave the job running in the background: - `ctr + b` - `d` To resume the session: ```bash tmux at -t nnsmith-artifact ``` `````` ````{dropdown} **Install/Import the image!** :open: :icon: code - **Method 1: [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ganler/nnsmith-asplos23-ae) (Recommended)**: ```shell docker pull ganler/nnsmith-asplos23-ae ``` - Method 2: [Zenodo archive](https://zenodo.org/record/7222132): ```shell tar xf NNSmith-ASPLOS23-Artifact.tar.gz export NNSMITH_DOCKER=ganler/nnsmith-asplos23-ae:latest cat nnsmith-ae.tar | docker import - $NNSMITH_DOCKER ``` ```` ````{dropdown} **Download pre-generated LEMON models** :open: :icon: code Evaluating the LEMON baseline in NNSmith's setting is complicated ([why?](gen-lemon)). For reviewers' convenience, the LEMON models (55.7GB) are pre-generated/converted. Nevertheless, you can refer to [](gen-lemon) to re-generate them. You can download the pre-generated models from [OneDrive](https://uillinoisedu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/jiawei6_illinois_edu/EciCT0E4v0tJlyXHgnbDeeIBB0UzhYB01qBuy_b-GtY6IA?e=qG7RyI)[^drive] and then use the script below to extract the files. [^drive]: According to the univerisity's policy, the link will be expired after 90 days. Please contact the artifact author if the link is expired. ```bash md5sum lemon-onnx.tar # check data integrity # ab7b8416a841ef8ba9bb09acc3dd6a21 lemon-onnx.tar tar xvf lemon-onnx.tar # About 2~4 minutes # Models are stored in ./lemon-onnx # rm lemon-onnx.tar # No longer needed ``` ```{admonition} **For ASPLOS'23 AE reviewers** :class: note Please contact us via HotCRP if you have trouble in getting LEMON models and we can open a test-bed access with environments installed for you. ``` ```` ````{dropdown} **Kick the tire!** :open: :icon: code :color: success ```bash # Run docker image docker run -it --name ${USER}-nnsmith -v $(realpath ./lemon-onnx):/artifact/data/lemon-onnx ganler/nnsmith-asplos23-ae # Now, you will "get into" the image like entering a virtual machine. # By using this command, you will "get into" the image like entering a virtual machine. # The session will be kept under the name "${USER}-nnsmith" # Inside the image; cd /artifact git remote set-url origin https://github.com/ganler/nnsmith-asplos-artifact.git git pull origin master source env.sh # Use a virtual environment bash kick_tire.sh # 40 seconds # Running NNSmith fuzzing 20 seconds for each of tvm and onnxruntime. ``` If you can see `/artifact/nnsmith/kk-tire-ort` and `/artifact/nnsmith/kk-tire-tvm` (bug report folders), then congratulations for successfully running the artifact! ```` ## Next step Please go to **[](./markdown/evaluation.md)** for detailed evaluation steps. ```{toctree} --- caption: Episodes maxdepth: 1 --- markdown/evaluation markdown/rdmore ```